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Useful bus stops

Our local travel tips

  • Bus
  • Train
  • Bike
  • Walk
  • Taxi
  • Car
  • Park and Ride


Mytravelpass is a Welsh Government run scheme whereby any young person aged 16 - 21 can recieve at least a third off all bus travel in Wales!

All you have to do is apply on online here and the pass will be with you in 10 working days. Once you have received your pass, just show it to the driver on your bus!

All you need to apply is a Welsh address and a suitable photograph to upload.

You can find out more about the pass here.


To find timetables, visit the Traveline Cymru website here.

Useful Bus Stop Codes

Text these codes to 84263* to receive a reply with the next 4 buses due!

City Road, The Parade: Text cdipaga

Treharris Street: Text cdipaga

Cardiff Royal Infirmary: Text cdimwjp


To find another bus stop code, use the Traveline Cymru bus stop finder.

Other Information

For long distance bus travel across Wales, please visit the TrawsCymru website

For any other long distance bus travel, please visit the National Express or Megabus website


The main train stations in Cardiff are: Cardiff Central, Cardiff Queen Street, Cathays and Cardiff Bay.

To plan a train journey, visit Traveline Cymru and select ‘train only’

For more information about ticketing, visit Arriva Trains Wales 

Plan Cycle Journeys

To plan a bike journey, use the Traveline Cycle Planner located at the top of the journey planner window located here.


Safety Tips

The Highway Code rules for cyclists can be found on the Government website here.

Sustrans also has a range of helpful road safety tips.

THINK safety tips for drivers and cyclists can be found on their website here.

If you’re interested in carrying out some cycle training, visit the Sustrans website.

For bike maintenance tips, click here.

Information about student discount can be found here.


Top tips to stay safe whilst out walking can be found on the Complete University Guide or Street Safe website.

If you need to check for service disruptions, please check the Traveline website.

View our disruptions page

You can call our Contact Centre agents on 0300 200 22 33

Visit our website

We have a text message service available. Traveline text number 84268*

Download the Traveline Cymru app Available on iPhone and Android devices

* 84268 is a non-standard number which may cost more than a standard text and may not be included in any tariff bundles. Please check with your mobile operator.

** Your reply will be free to receive, providing the bus stops in question are located in Wales. For bus stops outside of Wales, you will be charged £0.25 to receive the reply.

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